Monday 31 May 2010

The winner

of my little giveaway is Rosemary. I used the random number generator and tried to post the result here but failed miserably. I could ask Jason but I don't want an hour long lesson - lol ! I am waiting for Rosemary's address and then the book and quilt top will be away across the water. Thanks to all who entered anyway.

And it seems I have managed to lay myself up with a slipped disc in my lower back. Ouch - very painful. It seems to be improving slightly but I understand these things take time. Very inconvenient I must say. I have lots I want to do - incuding finishing painting my hallway. Will have to wait.

The first couple of days the pain was excruciating and I was sent to bed. I am now at the pottering around stage but machine sewing is a no-no !

So when the pain gets bad and I need to rest I have been basting shapes for my 3D hexie quilt. This is the second one I'm making.

My first was a charm quilt but this one is in a limited colourway of green/purple/brown. All 577 shapes and ready to sew and I couldn't resist sewing a few together.

I must say I'm not loving this really but will carry on seeing as I've done so much already. Once the shapes are basting they go together quite quickly. It's very subdued - not as colourful as the photo shows. We'll see . .

I also started a crochet blanket to do when the mood strikes - nothing fancy - just going round and round in stripes. This is good to do when my back is hurting as I can work on it whilst lying alnost horizontally - needs must - lol !

Off to pop a few pills :-) take care xx


quilterfaye said...

Oh Andrea, I am so sorry to hear about your back. Mu husband had same last year. Soooo painful! I'm amazed what you've managed to get done while in such discomfort.The stitching may be your way of trying to fight the pain,not letting it win.
Glad to hear you are improving.Don't try to rush it(this is the nurse in me talking)

wendyytb said...

Take care... Hope you are soon pain-free!

claudia said...

So sorry to hear about your back. Please give yourself plenty of time to heal properly. I'm sure you really don't need anyone to tell you that!
It's great though that you are able to do some stitching and get your mind off the pain some.
Get well SOON!

Elsie Montgomery said...

Ouch. Do take it easy. I like your projects, but no one is pushing you to finish or even work on them --- until your back is better!

Unknown said...

Hope your back feels much better very soon (((hugs)))

sewkalico said...

I love your hexies and green-purple-brown sounds like an awesome colourway!!
Get well soon, take it easy!

Jeanne said...

Sorry to hear about your back. I hope it is better very soon. In the meantime, take it easy.

Suze said...

Painful backs are misery. I hope you can get on top of this as quickly as possible. I love your things to do while trying to make the best of the situation projects. I wish you well. Crochet is taking over my craft time right now.

Gamawinkie Renea said...

I sure hope your back gets better. It's no fun not getting to do what you like as well as being in pain w/limited mobility!

Anyway, I think the finished hex quilt will turn out OK. I admire your patience with it!

Ali Honey said...

Andrea I do hope your back improves raidly.
I love the colours of the fabrics set out in their container. I think they look better like that than made up - but I often think that. When I see fabric bolts all on a shelf or cottons all in a display, or crayons all in a box, that is how I enjoy them the most.
Gentle hugs I don't want to hurt your back.

Gene Black said...

Congrats to Rosemary.

Please take care of your back my dear. The hallway can wait! For that matter most everything can wait. Just take care of you.

Deb said...

Andrea, I can so appreciate your back problems and the pain you are experiencing. I have been through two lumbar back operations in the past year for herniated discs. When I was at the "flat on my back stages" on did stitching and crocheting of blankets also. Unfortunately I didn't have bits where it settled and was able to move about so I hope with all my heart that you have more of those days and the pain doesn't get worse for you. I also fell in love again with my wheatbag and had that heated regularly. Definitely don't push things.
Take care,
hugs Deb

Meggie said...

I send sympathy and thoughts for your back pain. I live with it constantly, and it makes me rather grumpy some days!
Take good care of yourself. You are choosing sensible projects, which wont tax your back.

loulee said...

Ooh! Ow! I know what you're going through. Look after yourself. It's good that you have something to do and can find a comfy spot to get on. Feel better soon.

A Time for Stitching said...

Sorry to hear about your back troubles. Hope your pain eases soon. My OH used to have a lot of trouble with his back but it bothered him much less when we joined a gym (we don't go any more and he had a relapse recently.

Jindi's Cottage said...

Congratulations to Rosemary.
Ouch! I hope your back is continuing to improve...good thing you can still hand stitch and crotchet...the hallway will have to wait, take it easy.

quilterfaye said...

Hi Andrea, Just checking in again and sending you a gentle hug. I hope you are slowly getting back on your feet.

Teresa said...

Congrats to Rosemary on the win. I like your hexagon quilt and thing that once you get more blocks together you will be happier with the colors. Its just now springy looking, but this winter, watchout, you're gonna love it.

Tony Marcello said...

I hope your back is better soon. When you're up to it, would you explain in detail how you do the 3d hexagons? I am making a 3d quilt for my dd and have been machine piecing. I am intrigued by the hand sewing.

Betsy said...

I have one similar to that one in my ufo pile that I hope to finish ,yours looks nice

Lynda said...

Sorry to hear about your back troubles, but there are opportunities for sticthing whatever condition you're in! (Love the hexagons!)

Linda in Arkansas said...

Oh I do feel for you with your back. ((hugs)) Your quilt is coming along quite nicely. It certainly is subdued - however, there is beauty in something like that - and I think yours will be nicely colored and calming. Good job.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about your back! I hope your doing better soon. But I"m not ahead of you with the hawaii sunset blocks. I've been so busy I still only have the one done!

Quilter Kathy said...

How are you feeling? Disc problems can be so painful.
Love your container of hexagons!

Imola said...

Lovely blog you have here, dearest!

Unknown said...

Poor you Andrea, bad backs are so debilitating - hope it feels much better very soon, take care

Shirley said...

take care, you only have one back. When it's healed it realy pays to go to a personal trainer to build up your torso muscles, back and front, your behind (buttock?) and your legs. I speak from experience, after years of major back-issues.

*karendianne. said...

Ohhh, I love that blanket. Indeed I doooo!!!!!!!!!!!!