Friday 8 February 2008

All better now !!

My hands are now recovered thankyou ! Do you think I learned my lesson ? Who knows !!

Anyway they are healing nicely - can't believe how painful they were at the time. After 2 days of NO sewing whatsoever I was pulling my hair out. It was like a jail sentence really - lol !!

So once they were ok I couldn't wait to get going. I had started a border on the quilt I showed last and decided to carry on with it. I agonised a bit about measurements and so on but in the end everything came together well. Just a bit of creative ironing i.e a bit of stretching with the steam function on and they fitted fine. I love how this has turned out. The colours on the close-up picture are truer.

When I was cutting the triangles for the border I realised I would not have enough of the dark green with the oak leaves and acorns. I had a quick search on the net but turned up nothing. I debated whether to put out a search on but decided against it and used another different green altogether. I like how it looks. Have you ever seen that website ? Quilters add a little picture of the fabric they are looking for and the amount they need to finish off a quilt. Sometimes they want a fat quarter but I have seen ladies asking for 12 yards plus ?? I have never bought 12 yards of one fabric ever !!

I went today and bought a gorgeous piece of cream fleece to back this with and will baste it over the weekend. This one is definitely for me. Over the last 12 months I have lost a lot of weight which is great BUT I am always cold so this quilt will be my extra layer !!! That extra fat was keeping me warm - lol !

Whilst I was buying my fleece I got the embroidery threads for the Bareroots pattern. I am itching to do this. I have had some great tips already and I am looking forward to trying this out. As it is my first real attempt at this I bought the colours exactly as it says on the pattern. I am sure you stitchery ladies experiment with different colours but I'm playing it safe.

My sewing area is beautifully organised and I will take some pictures soon - running out of time now. My sister came to visit a few days ago and couldn't believe how much fabric I've got. Thats nothing I told her - there are quilters out there who have whole rooms full of fabric and mine is just a baby stash really. She is not a sewer and was not convinced - lol !!

Have a great weekend !


mereth said...

Andrea, I adore this setting for the blocks and may just have to pinch it and do it myself. It makes them look really special, but it's so simple. Clever girl. Post photos of your room soon, I'm looking forward to seeing it all together.

Unknown said...

Lovely quilt top and I think you were very brave to do those triangle borders - I'd never have worked out the maths correctly - the fabric you were sent by (was it) Gudrun is lovely - you will really enjoy using this quilt

Anonymous said...

Looks terrific Andrea. I too would never have attempted to do triangles, my math

Belvie said...

That top is just beautiful! I really like the way you set it together.

Oh, I like the colors for the Bareroots stitchery. You are gonna have it made and on the wall before I even get around to getting my thread out. :-)

Emily Cole said...

That is really a beautiful quilt top! I love those colors and the way the patches are set on point. Very pretty. I'm glad your hands are feeling better too! Sometimes you need a break, and it just takes a little pushing to get one... Em

Laurie Ann said...

That border is just perfect. Love the whole quilt!!

dot said...

Oh, this is a beautiful quilt. I have to admit, I have bought that much fabric at once, for backing. It is mosly not real flattering fabric but on sale works great for backs.

Unknown said...

I don´t think you have learned your lesson :) Your quilt is awesome and the various colors of the triangles are just great, maybe it was better that you did not have enough of the green fabric you intended to use.

Julia said...

I love this quilt Andrea!!! What a brave girl you are to make the triangle border, it really makes the quilt outstanding.

I am wanting to do some stitchery too!

Glad to hear that your hands are doing better and Congratulations on the weight loss. I know how hard that is to achieve. I am still working on mine.

tami said...

Beautiful quilt. I wish I had the problem of needing a quilt for an extra layer.
You should find some pictures of other's stashes to show your sister. I bet she doesn't realize there is a whole cult of us out here in blogland.

Darcie said...

Your quilt looks fabulous, Andrea! Well worth your efforts and decisions of using two greens. Very effective!

Can't wait to see progress with your stitchery! One acquires such a lovely assortment of flosses from the first project or two...then it IS quite fun to venture out!

Sisters don't always need to understand! ;-)

Made By Claire said...

The quilt looks great Andrea. I love the colours. I am glad your hands are feeling better.

meggie said...

The quilt is wonderful! The borders were an inspiration! Lovely. Wish my maths was even adequate!
Look forward to seeing your room.
Love those floss colours.

Pam said...

That top is really pretty - such a lovely setting. Isn't it funny what non-quilters think is a lot of fabric - I always show them so of the pictures on other blogs of some of the "real serious" stashes. Mine is pretty "baby" as well.

Good to hear your hands are better!

Lisa Boyer said...

The quilt is so beautiful! Glad to see your hand is all better now. Enjoyed your blog--looks like another daily morning stop for me!

loulee said...

I'm glad you're back to it. Nothing worse that itching to sew and being unable.
I too have only a baby stash compared to some I've seen here in blogland, I think my sister is trying to have a huge stash, but is running out of places to hide it! LOL Stick to a baby stash.

Your quilt top looks great, really bright and cheerful, just the thing to warm you up on cold nights.
Congrats on loosing loads of weight, I wish I was acheiving that, but seem to have gotten stuck at the moment.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I love your quilt top. That is wonderful. Love the thread colors too. Your gonna have fun doing stitchery.

Chookyblue...... said...

great quilt...........of and I had never heard of the site and checked it out

Jeanne said...

I love this quilt, Andrea! I know you will be warm and cuddly under the finished quilt. Your sewing room looks so neat! I'm really feeling like a slob now. VBG

Floss said...

I love the setting you used for the nine patch, makes them all look special. The triangles in the boarder add the right finishing touch, terrific.

Floss said...

I love the setting you used for the nine patch, makes them all look special. The triangles in the boarder add the right finishing touch, terrific.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh that quilt is wonderful! And I LOVE the border you put on it. And your embroidery threads - oh man, those are so my colors!

*karendianne. said...

I loved this quilt from its infancy and I really really really love it now!!!!

And you inspire me. Really. The way you did the border is so neat. I want to tap into my creativity like that.

Creatively Yours Love, *karendianne.