Before I show my new quilt project here is a photo of Septembers quilt of the month. This is a UFO that I said I would work on through September whenever I could. I did get side-tracked once I started hand-quilting my hexie quilt but I have made some progress. Last month it looked like this.
And now it is at this stage.
I also have all the hexies prepared for the next row - I think I will continue to take this to my quilt group on Tuesday evenings where we all sit and do hand-work. I can't wait to get this done.
Because I have a deadline coming up I have decided not to work on a UFO this month. I am making Jess's boyfriend a quilt for his 21st birthday and what a performance this is turning out to be.
A while back I bought yardage of this fabric.
The width of the fabric is divided into 4 sections ranging from light to dark. I bought this in blue and green and this is what I decided to use for Danny's quilt. I love Judy's blog and she has some wonderful free patterns on there. One caught my eye a while back and I thought this would work well with these fabrics. Because the shaded fabrics are quite plain I thought I'd add a bit of something else to make sure the quilt wasn't boring. Like so . . _edited.jpg)
Then after a time I realised I was going to run out of the stripe. Tried everywhere to get hold of more to no avail. So I knew I would either have to scrap the stripe or add something else.. So a few different stripes came home with me
I went with the top one and duly made 12 small sections. These were quite different when next to each other but I thought I would alternate the 2 different striped blocks throughout the quilt although I wasn't convinced this would look very good.
I am bearing in mind here that Danny's birthday is getting ever nearer. This morning I realised I have 11 days to get this finished. I have had a cold-like bug for a week and have not really done any machine sewing in this time as everything seemed to make me tired.
Anyway I am feeling better now and if I get moving I will get it done.
I had a quick rummage through my scraps the other day for something else when just what did I find ? A whole big fat quarter of the first stripey fabric !!! I did not know I had this - I was amazed.
So now I have enough to just use the one stripe - which was my original plan all along.
This is one reason I make scrappy quilts - no running out of fabric and no headaches - lol !!
Here are 2 finished blocks - must get moving. If I had a brain I would be dangerous :-)
Oh and I managed to nip and see May - although I had to miss my quilt group because of my cold and she was delighted with the quilt top. She couldn't thank me enough. Big sigh of relief..
Just off to cut more strips. Meant to say it is the Peaches and Dreams pattern. I have 4 blocks made out of 24 - help !!!
Take care xx