Now the kids have broken up from school for their 6 week break my time is not my own. Jess has a part-time job in a supermarket a couple of miles away and she is doing extra hours in order to save up for a car. In the meantime I'm ferrying her back and to as the bus times never seem to fit in with her shifts. Also as we're not going away this year we've been having a few days out here and there. We went into Liverpool last week to see the Tall ships sail away - heading for Norway I believe. They were very impressive but the journey home was terrible. What should have taken us about 50 minutes took over 3 hours :- ( The police had cordoned off some of the roads ( very badly ) and they did an appalling job of filtering the cars from the car parks into the main stream of traffic. It was hot being stuck in the car and quite spoilt the day. I think I drove Jason and Patrick mad by continually mentioning how much hand-piecing I could have got done while stuck in queues - lol !
Anyway, this week I have also been doing something of a spring clean - better late than never. Got rid of loads of kids clothes and toys etc and even sorted out my own wardrobe. In my cleaning frenzy I rescued this
It was on my bedside cabinet buried under so much c**p you wouldn't believe. It was so dusty and covered with bits of cotton as I quite often sew in bed - lol ! It is reverse applique and is the one and only time I have done this. To be honest I didn't want to wash it as I'm not sure how well it will hold up so I sponged it and used my lint roller and got it looking ok again. I think I will put it on my quilt wall.
I have started a couple of little things this week but have no pictures as yet. I have also been a good girl and am making headway on a UFO.
Last year I made these blocks
They were to be made into a quillow for Patrick. I looked back in my blog and found this photo along with a statement saying it would be done for Christmas 2007. . . . . . Patrick knew I was making this and every so often he will ask how it's coming along. erm . . . The trouble was once the blocks were sewn together I didn't like it and came to a screeching halt. However Patrick really likes it and as much as I have tried to persuade him it is horrible - lol - he still insists he wants it done. Wretched child ! And you know what after doing a bit more on it and using a border fabric that Patrick chose I actually quite like it again so there you go. I will show pictures in next post as I'm running out of time - again ! One of my friends is going through a major upheaval and I'm spending time with her. She is very sad but hopefully things will improve for her soon. I'm just providing a shoulder to cry on just now.
Have a good weekend and hope you all get lots done. xx
I am glad that you rescued the reveres appliqué it is lovely, not that I like cats or anything.
I have often finished projects that I was not happy with but I knew the person I was making them for would love them so as long as Patrick still loves it you should finish it, quite often when I see these later they are nicer that I remember.
That is an impressive picture of the ship, but it is too bad your fun day had to be spoiled by the traffic. I would have wanted some hand work too! Your reverse appliques is very nice and I am glad you found it. Would be a shame not to have that on display!
So great that Patrick gives you a 'push' every now and again :-)
Shoulders are great and an absolute necessity sometimes. Good on you! I love your little puss and know what you mean about the fluff, HA HA. Cherrie
What a nice find, perfect addition to your quilt wall. I heard the tall ships were coming here or were here at San Francisco, I thought that would be a site to see, but didn't go. Thanks for the great pic.
Well if he likes it that's the important thing, right??? Everyone has their own tastes. I love the little kitty on your reverse will look sweet on your quilt wall.
I love that ship. What a sight to behold. Too bad it was ruined by the traffic though.
Hmmmm, spring cleaning. I need to do that too. :~)
The little quilt is worth rescuing. I am sure the quillow will turn out great.
We had three Tall Ships sail into the Duluth, MN Harbor. Went down to watch them come through the canal. Thousands of people were there to watch. Traffic wasn't too bad, slow but not hours like you had. We had a beautiful day at the lake.
Maybe you should spring clean more often, who knows what other lovely things you will find hidden away. I think that is quite a treasure, didn't you miss it at all?
Love the little kitty quilt! How could you forget something so cute?
The cat design is wonderfull, Thankyou for sharing, love the boat too, as i grew up by the sea and miss it loads,
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