Oh looky here at what I've got ! Isn't it great ? My lovely ALQS parcel arrived this morning from Becca. What a beauty ! It shows up a bit dark on my photo but my photography is not great to say the least. In the flesh the colours are beautiful - very rich purples and rusts. Just my cup of tea - lol !
Here is another photo with a close-up of the lovely hand-quilting. Such tiny stitches.
Becca also had a fantastic idea to pad out the box with squares from her scrap box. Wow ! I've had great fun sorting through and may have to have a play with these soon. It's so good having a nose at other peoples fabrics - lol ! Like when you're waiting in line in the supermarket and having a gander into other folks trolleys. Or is that just me ?
Anyway thankyou Becca - I love it.
I have been working on more borders for another quilt I've dug out and will show photos when I have anything to show.
Enjoy your week.
beautiful quilt!
Love the design and colors!
lucky you!
Oooh, beautiful quilt. Can´t wait to see what you are up to!
That's a beautiful quilt! Lucky you!!
What rich beautiful colors...what a great swap. I love to hand quilt when I get the time.
Oh i loooooove this!!! Lucky you!!!
Very cute, I know you are proud of it. So nice when you get a great quilt in a swap!
Really nice quilt!!
Lovely colours too!!
WOW!! It's beautiful, Andrea!! Do you know where you are going to hang it?
Beautiful quilt and rich in color and design. I just participated in a swap on a forum and received a quilt which doesn't deserve any mention. It was awful! But yours is definately a keeper and so thoughtful to send scraps. I adore your scrap quilts, especially the hand ones you do EPP on. What do you use for paper?
Enjoy your new little quilt, Ellena
What a cute mini-quilt. With the minis you can really see the pattern pop.
That really is a pretty mini quilt! Becca has done such a great job! Lucky you :o)
Lovely quilt in beautiful colors
Have a great and creative summer. From Norway:-))
The quilts in this swap have all been amazing, and this one is no exception. Wonderful. Lucky you.
Lucky you... What a beautiful quilt. I don't do hand quilting as I cannot hand sew in a straight line. It looks more like zigzag by the time I have finished. Nip over to my blog and take a look at my hexagons. I promised I would show you. I don't know how much bigger it is going to get, I am getting impatient and want to quuilt it. LOL Can't wait to see what you are up to.
This is a GREAT quilt! I love the deep purple fabric. What a treat to come visit after being MIA for so long and stumble upon this beauty.
...and hand quilted to boot!
Thank you for sharing!
*karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
What a gorgeous little quilt! Lucky you, love those colours.
Lucky you! A fun, interesting pattern and gorgeous colors...
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