Thursday, 5 December 2013

Mystery Quilt colours

Here are what I'm using for Bonnie Hunters latest mystery quilt.
I have a lot of cream, beige and light tan neutrals to add to these. I am aiming for an Autumn theme.
Have most of the pieces cut and a few sewn together.
I am enjoying sewing again. My poor machine had dust on it - clue 2 is out tomorrow. I probably won't keep up as I am decorating 2 bedrooms as well. But thats ok - I'll go at my own pace x


Gail said...

Very pretty colors! I'm using the paint chip colors-sort of- but I haven't begun because I can't find the rulers! I'm unsure of how many blocks I'll make as the yardage is extreme! Guess I've never bought all the fabric at once for a quilt and am wondering if I'll need 22 yards to do the quilt--or if I'll like it after I'm done! Quilting is not a huge PASSION of mine, I like it ok but I don't want to do it all the time.

Take care of yourself!
Blessed Be!

Diane-crewe said...

looks good x

Karen's Quilts from Cape Town said...

I do like your fabric choices, almost soft colours, a little like the crocheted blanket in your last post.

Deb A said...

Pretty choices for colors. I have 40 parts with one side attached left to go and I'll have all 188 done.

sewkalico said...

Cool! We've gone for the same colours! Great minds think alike. Although I am, of course, already way behind!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

This is a lovely collection of fabrics!
Hope you are enjoying sewing along!

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