Anyway once I'd got my morning routine underway - dishes, emptying bins etc I hopped on the PC for some blog-reading to cheer me up as I was feeling a bit mumsy and emotional. What happened next was entirely the fault of Linda. She had posted that Hancocks of Paducah were having a sale and telling us to go there and have a look. Now I admire Linda greatly - she is a fantastic quilter and a lovely lady so I had to just do as she said. It wouldn't be polite not to - lol !
And because I was feeling in need of a pick-me-up look what's coming to my house
I am so excited. I fell in love with these fabrics and they work out so cheap in comparison to buying them over here. Thanks Linda. Yes I was on the way to feeling a bit happier. Just turning off the computer when there was a knock on the door. Nice postman with a big box.
Jason asked was I expecting anything. I replied yes I was but only a pincushion which as you understand is a small item. Now as I said this box was BIG. What could it be ?
I think I am the luckiest quilter in the world today. I was completely overawed and amazed as I kept pulling out one thing after another. Just look at this treasure
And the icing on the cake was this
How completely gorgeous is this ? Do you see the hand embroidered flowers and fantastic workmanship on this. This must be the most beautiful armchair caddy EVER. Thankyou SO much Mar. You are a star ! It was certainly my lucky day when Linda partnered us all up.
I will treasure these. I love everything.
My own little parcel for the swap is almost ready to go and will definitely be gone by the deadline. I have a plan for the weekend to keep as busy as possible so I don't miss my little baby so much.
So thanks to two wonderful ladies my day went from blah to brill ! Have a good weekend all.
What lovely post Andrea - I reckon I must be a very strange mother - I seldom give my kids a second thought when they're away, maybe because with scouts they camp quite often, Nigel, Nick and Lou are all away this weekend - but it's always lovely when they come home - don't worry he'll be back before you know it
Hope you don't miss Patrick too much. But I think you have made good progress on the cheering yourself up, the fabrics is lovely and I thing that parcel would brighten anyone’s day.
The first overnighter is a bit like the first day of school, don't you think?
Hmm all my fault eh!!!! What can I say, other than it all helps out the insulation of our Thank you for your sweet words about me..... You got the same fabric I did, except I only got the charm pack (2 each, in two fabric choices).... I have no idea what I'll use them for, but I thought, what the heck at that price I can't go wrong.
Your parcel from Mar is wonderful, and to think she was worried you wouldn't like it.....
Hi Andrea, I've been lurking for a good while now, trying to figure out how to please you, I'm so happy I succeeded. Enjoy!
Wonderful pincushion swap - you are lucky!! And Patrick will be back before you know it!
My children also had the largest bag when they were going someplace with the school/scouts. Wow I love what you got in that parcel.
I know you're alittle anxious, bless your heart. You have entrusted your precious child to the care of others. I'm a retired teacher and have been on many field trips including one on an airplane with 11 ten year old boys....what a great experience for all of us. ......your baby will be find, I'm ture. ....Care care.
That Linda! She leads us straight to the best kind of temptation! Mr. Postman brought you a wonderful treat. I like your pincushion surprises! Try to enjoy you time while Patrick is away having a good old time with friends (he'll be okay). Sewing will take your mind off things and soon you will be saying, kids? Patrick who?
Don't worry too much about Patrick. He's probably not giving you a second thought. I was the same when Gemma went to the US at Easter. I think she emailed me once in the 10 days and that was to say that the hotel had a dog like Stanley and that she'd seen a Ferrari.
love and hugs xxx
I'm sure Patrick is having a ball :o) Hope you don't miss him too much! He'll be home before you know!
Linda's post... well, she got me shopping as well - heaps of charm packs *lol* Love your FQ bundle!
Your pincushion swap package is wonderful! Aren't quilters just the sweetest ;o)
Wow great haul. Pin cushion huh?
Kids grow up so fast don't they.
You just won an award, check out my blog.
Wow, nice pin cushions...LOL
Patrick will be back before you know it, have fun while you can.
Wonderful swap. Wonder who my partner is :)
How Gorgeous is your Swap Parcel... That's Major Cheering Up!!! Retail Therapy is always recommended especially if fabric is involved!!!
It is sooooooo hard to let them grow up. I know exactly what you mean.
What a cute little pincushion and other wonderful gifties! Glad they came on a day when you needed the boost!
Wow, that armchair caddy is just beautiful.Sure Patrick will come back from the weekend tired, hungry but with so many stories to tell! Don't think we would be normal if we didn't miss them.
Wow! That was a lucky day for you!
What a fabulous gift you received!
My son just came back from a 2 overnight grade 7 camp, so I know how hard it is. It will be over before you know it - just keep buying fabric and the time will pass quickly!!!
OH my, you really did receive a nice package. I just love everything I see.
Wish I could give you a big hug for missing your son. I have been there and no the emotional tug at your heart strings.
I discovered you through the lovely Linda's blog. I love all the beautiful treasures Mar sent you - she's really a talented lady, isn't she?
Everybody needs a pick-me-up once in awhile, and I can't think of anything better than a gorgeous bundle of fabrics. I'm glad you followed Linda's lead!
I hope Patrick had a wonderful time..and you will be so happy to see him! love the arm chair caddy Mar is so nice isn't she! very nice job too...your gifts were adorable..
Lovely gift!!
And the fabrics look great too!
I'm going to feel like you have when SofM goes to Uni.
Wow! Your package of goodies is really something. You really got a lot of nice things. One item looks like a pie. Is that a pin cushion?
And what are you going to do with your bundle of fabrics from Hancocks?
Nothing like a bit of retail therapy to make you feel better....and you lucky duck that pincushion swap package from Mar was awesome!! When I saw on her blog what she had made I was thinking I would be more than happy to receive that.....I have sent my pincushion off but haven't received one back yet so have that to look forward to....I am enjoying the swaps!! Have a cupcake swap to work on next....
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